

Safe Robot Learning & Control, Legged Robots, Control Barrier Functions
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Research Statement

Safety Critical Controls Using Control Barrier Functions

Work Done So Far

My recent works include developing a novel CBF formulation called Collision Cone Control Barrier Function (C3BF) which combines the concepts of Collision cone and CBFs to come up with a real-time safe controller, using on-board computing.

Currently, I am interested in extending my work in the stochatic world and generation of an optimal barrier function using Neural networks.


* - The authors have contributed equally and † - Project Lead

The entire list of publications can be seen on Google Scholar

Submitted Papers

Polygonal Cone Control Barrier Functions for safe navigation in cluttered environments
Manan Tayal, Shishir Kolathaya
Submitted to European Control Conference(ECC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2024
[Project page] [Paper]
Convergence of ADAM with Constant Step-Size in Non-Convex Setting: A Simple Proof
Alookendum Mazumder, Bhartendu Kumar*, Manan Tayal* and Punit Rathore
Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, South Korea, 2024


Control Barrier Functions in Dynamic UAVs for Kinematic Obstacle Avoidance: A Collision Cone Approach
Manan Tayal, Rajpal Singh, Jishnu Keshavan, Shishir Kolathaya
American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, 2024
[Project page] [Paper]
Collision Cone Control Barrier Functions: Experimental Validation on UGVs for Kinematic Obstacle Avoidance
Bhavya Giri Goswami *, Manan Tayal *, Karthik Rajgopal, Pushpak Jagtap, Shishir Kolathaya
American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, 2024
[Project page] [Paper]
Stoch BiRo: Design and Control of a Bipedal Robot
GVS Mothish*, Kathik Rajgopal*, Ravi Kola*, Manan Tayal†, Shishir Kolathaya
IEEE International Conference on Controls, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), Singapore, 2024
[Project page] [Video] [Paper]


Collision Cone Control Barrier Functions for Kinematic Obstacle Avoidance in UGVs
Phani Thontepu *, Bhavya Giri Goswami *, Manan Tayal, Neelaksh Singh, Shyam Sundar PI, Shyam Sundar MG, Suresh Sundaram, Vaibhav Katewa, Shishir Kolathaya
Indian Control Conference (ICC), Vizag, India
[Project page] [Video] [Paper]
Safe Legged Locomotion using Collision Cone Control Barrier Functions (C3BFs)
Manan Tayal, Shishir Kolathaya
Arxiv Pre-print
[Project page] [Paper]