The Travelling Salesman Problem (often called TSP) is a classic algorithmic problem in the field of computer science and operations research. It is an NP-Hard problem focused on optimization. TSP has several applications even in its purest formulation, such as planning, logistics, and the manufacture of microchips; and can be slightly modified to appear as a sub-problem in many areas, such as DNA sequencing. In this project, a study on parallelization of the Brute Force approach (under several paradigms) of the Travelling Salesman Problem is presented. Detailed timing studies for the serial and various parallel implementations of the Travelling Salesman Problem have also been illustrated.
Paradigm | Tool/Library | Implementation |
Serial | - | tsp.cpp |
Shared Memory | OpenMP | tsp_omp.cpp |
Message Passing | MPI | tsp_mpi.cpp |
Hybrid | MPI & OpenMP | tsp_hybrid.cpp |
GPU Programming | CUDA | |
Following are the list of commands to compile \& run the codes for the various implementations mentioned above:
$ g++ tsp.cpp -o tsp # Compile
$ ./tsp <N> # Run the code for N cities
$ g++ -fopenmp tsp_omp.cpp -o tsp_omp # Compile
$ ./tsp_omp <N> <N_TH> # Run the code for N cities using N_TH number of OpenMP threads
$ mpic++ tsp_mpi.cpp -o tsp_mpi # Compile
$ mpirun -np <N_PES> ./tsp_mpi <N> # Run the code for N cities using N_PES number of MPI processes
$ mpic++ -fopenmp tsp_hybrid.cpp -o tsp_hybrid # Compile
$ mpirun -np <N_PES> ./tsp_hybrid <N> <N_TH> # Run the code for N cities using N_PES MPI processes, each with N_TH OpenMP threads
$ nvcc -o tsp_cuda # Compile
$ ./tsp_cuda <N> # Run the code for N cities
Created with :heart: by Tezan Sahu, Vyankatesh S., Manan Tayal & Amey Gohil